Overheating brakes can be a common issue in cars, especially in the summertime. The most common cause of overheating brakes is due to an air leak or blown-out brake line.
There are various methods that you can use to fix this problem yourself, depending on what tools and knowledge you have at your disposal.
In more serious cases where the brake lines have been completely blown out, professional help may be required.
Prevention is always better than cure – make sure your car’s cooling systems are functioning properly and regularly inspect any mechanical components related to braking.
How to Fix Overheating Brakes
If your car’s brakes are overheating, there is likely a fault with the cooling system. To fix this, you will need to take apart the brake calipers and replace any faulty parts.
It is important to note that this may not be an easy task, so make sure to have all the necessary tools and know-how to do it before starting.

Check the Brakes
The first thing you should do if your brakes are overheating is to check if there’s anything wrong with them.
Make sure all of the brake pads and discs are in good condition, as well as that any hoses or lines leading to the brakes are attached properly.
If everything looks okay, it may be necessary to replace some parts of your braking system.

Clear the Brakes
Once you have checked that all is good with the brakes, you should clear them of any obstructions or debris using a vacuum cleaner and some compressed air.
This will help ensure proper braking performance in future situations.

Add Coolant
If the brakes still don’t seem to be working right, adding coolant can help fix the issue. Pour a bucket of coolant into each master cylinder and wait 30 minutes before checking for results.
If they seem improved, add more coolant until both systems feel cold to the touch (a temperature difference of at least 10 degrees Celsius is ideal).

Clear Fault Codes
If after attempting steps 1 and 2 above still no improvement is seen, it may be necessary to clear fault codes from your vehicle’s computer in order for it to restart correctly and function normally again.
When your car’s engine overheats due to faulty brakes, adding coolant will usually solve the problem by lowering the engine temperature enough so that normal operation can resume.

Replace Damaged Parts
If your brakes are not functioning properly because of damage or obstruction, then it may be necessary to replace certain parts in order for your vehicle to stop properly again.

Causes that Make Brakes Overheated
If your car is overheating, you may be able to fix the problem by replacing the brakes.
Overheating brakes can cause a loss of braking power and decrease stopping distances.
If this happens, it’s important to get the issue fixed as soon as possible so that you don’t have an accident.
Faulty Brake Lines
A faulty brake line can be the cause of overheating brakes in your car. A broken or leaky brake line can allow fluid to escape and cause the brakes to overheat.
This issue often manifests as a loss of braking power and excessive noise when you apply the pedal.
Defective Cooling System
If your cooling system is not working properly, it will not be able to dissipate heat from your engine correctly, which will lead to overheating brakes.
Symptoms of an inadequate cooling system include high temperatures inside the vehicle, poor performance or even failure of the brakes due to thermal overloads.
One of the simplest ways to check for an air leak is by using a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment.
If there is no apparent source of the leakage, then it may be necessary to replace some parts of your car’s braking system
Damaged Rotors or Pads
Overheated brakes can also be caused by damaged rotors or pads that don’t have enough time to cool down after being used.
Overheating rotors and pads may result in reduced braking performance, making it difficult for you to stop on a dime – especially if you are driving in wet weather conditions.
Improper Maintenance
Regularly checking and replacing the brake pads, rotors, and fluid can help prevent them from becoming overheated. Brake pads are specially designed to dissipate heat away from the rotor.
When they become over-heated, this can damage the braking system.
Regular Fluid Replacements
If your brakes stop working properly or feel unusually soft, it’s usually a sign that you need to replace the brake fluid.
Over time, brake fluids will lose their ability to keep your brakes cool and may cause them to fail prematurely – leading to more expensive repairs down the road.
Inadequate Ventilation & Airflow
When brakes get too hot, they create an intense amount of pressure inside of them which can restrict airflow and lead to overheating – even if there is adequate ventilation in the car.
This is why it’s important that airflow isn’t blocked when your car has its parking brakes on – otherwise, you could find yourself with a busted parking brake installation.
How to Prevent Brakes from Overheating
If your brakes are overheating, you may not be able to stop as quickly or smoothly as you would like. This is because the brake pads will start to wear down and become less effective.
To prevent this from happening, keep an eye on the temperature of your brakes regularly and take appropriate action if it starts to rise too high.
Check Brake Fluid Levels
A common cause of brake overheating is low brake fluid levels. If your brakes are not getting the proper level of lubrication, they will heat up and become less effective.
To prevent this from happening, make sure to check the fluid levels regularly and refill as needed.
Cleaning Your Brakes Regularly
Another way to keep your brakes working efficiently is to clean them regularly using a good quality cleaner.
This will help remove any deposits or build-up that may be causing problems with braking performance.
Adjusting Your Parking Brake Setting
If you find that your parking brake isn’t doing its job properly, it might be time to adjust the setting on your car’s dashboard.
By adjusting the parking brake set, you can ensure that your car won’t roll away while you’re parked.
Can You Put Water on Hot Brakes?
It is not recommended to put water on hot brakes as this could cause a fire.
What Happens if Brake Pads Overheat?
If the brake pads overheat, they can create a glazed surface on the pad and rotor. This will cause the brakes to stop working properly.
What Do Overheated Brakes Smell Like?
Overheated brakes can smell like burning a carpet, and they may cause a car to stop suddenly.
Can I Drive with Hot Brakes?
If your brakes are overheating, they may not be able to stop the car in time.
Overheating brakes can also cause other problems, like a decrease in brake performance or a failure. So, it’s not safe to drive with overheating brakes.
Can You Drive with a Stuck Caliper?
No, you cannot drive with a stuck caliper.
Are Brake Pad Shims Necessary?
No, they are not necessary and you don’t brake pad shims.
Overheating brakes can cause your car to stop abruptly, and this is a dangerous situation. There are many things you can do to prevent or fix an overheating brake issue.
The first step is checking the air pressure in your brake system If the air pressure is low, then it means that there’s a problem with one of your components.
Next, you need to bleed the system properly After bleeding the brakes, make sure they cool down completely before trying again.
Finally, if all else fails and you still have an overheating brake issue, you may need to replace them altogether.