The cheapest way to replace the brake pads is to change the brake pads on your own. For newbies, brake pads are a part of disc brakes used in automotive applications. They create friction that helps to stop the vehicle.

The Cheapest Way to Replace Brake Pads | Explained in Steps
Brake pads are a specific kind that helps to stop the car by providing friction. The normal brake pad substitution cost is about $150 per axle and can range from about $100 dollar per axle, up to approximately $300 per axle. The brake pad replacement costs actually depend on some specific options.
One of those options is like what kind of vehicle are we driving and the heavier the vehicle, the more our brake pads replacement will cost. Exquisite car manufacturer brands like Jaguar, BMW, Mercedes, or an Audi cost more in case of replacing brake pads. The quality and the brand of the brake pads also determine the replacement cost.
Follow the directions to replace brake pads all by yourself.

Remove the wheel
Release the lug nuts on the wheel a bit and jack up the car. Place a jack stand under the car’s frame. Completely remove the lug nuts so that you have access to the brake assembly.
Rotate the caliper out
When the bottom bolts of the caliper are out, rotate the caliper pivots up. This helps to get a view of the thickness of the brake pads so that you know it needs to be changed or not.
Get the brake pads out
As the retaining clips are holding the brake pads loosely, you can easily slide the brake pads out of there. And you can also compare the thickness of the old brake pad with the new one.
Replace the retaining clips
Installing new pads requires new retaining clips. Replace the retaining clips with the new ones so that the new pads can go back and forth easily. You might also get graphite-based grease which comes with the clips. Putting them on the clips will stop the brakes from squeaking.
Put in new brake pads
Slide in the new brake pads. It might fit in easily, sometimes it might feel tight. One thing you need to observe is that if the ears of the new pads slot nicely into place on the grease you applied or not.
Retract the pistons
Before you put the caliper back in again you need to push back the pistons. These pistons help to stop the cars by pressing on the brake pads and squeezing on the rotor of the car. You can use a C-clamp to retract or push back the pistons.
Observe the brake fluid level
When you retract the pistons, the brake fluid level rises slowly. Especially, when installing the second brake pad, the joined liquid volume of two calipers could make the brake fluid flood. If it feels like something like this is going to happen, suck out some of the fluid with a turkey baster.
Reposition the caliper and reinstalling the bolts
If the pistons are retracted correctly, the caliper will come down with little effort. Reinstall the bolts and tighten. Then straighten the car’s wheel and remount the tire and reinstall those lug nuts.
How to Replace Brake Pads Bike
Replacing the bike pads is not that difficult. First, remove the pads that are inside. It depends on the type of brake caliper of a cycle. Remove the thing that is on the caliper which is stopping the pads to come out. After pulling off the old pads and before putting back the new pads put back the pistons a bit back to make room.
After that, install the new pads according to the type of brake caliper of the cycle and put the retaining pin, magnet, or cotter pin back which holds the pads.

Changing Brake Pads Without Bleeding
If you want to change the brake pads without bleeding you need to be careful so that you don’t open the fluid lines to the caliper. You can use a C-clamp to change the pad.
Using a C-clamp to compress the piston to get the new pads to clear the rotor is good enough. And make sure that the reservoir doesn’t get overfilled or spill out. Removing some fluid might help.

Do you need to bleed brakes when changing the pads?
No, you don’t need to bleed brakes while changing pads. They should possibly require bleeding when you have opened the hydraulic lines, uncovering the brake liquid to the environment. Make sure they do not start seeping fluid or sticking it when replacing pads. Also, you have to make sure the calipers are sliding well into their pins
How much should it cost to replace brake pads?
The cost of replacing brake pads can be around the range of $100 per axle to $300 per axle depending on one’s vehicle’s brake pad materials. So, the average cost of replacing brake pads is like $150 per axle.
The pricing also depends on a couple of things like what type of vehicle you are driving, the manufacturer brand of the vehicle, the brand of the brake pads, and the type of materials. If we want to replace the pads through professional help, you’ll need an additional expense. Sometimes, it can double your budget.
How much does brake fluid cost?
Brake fluid is a cheap item. The majority of its pricing is labor. Generally, it can cost between $80- $120. For the majority of the vehicles, the price range is the same. The expense is generally similar regardless of what make and model of vehicle we drive as it’s a genuinely direct fix.
Q: Are expensive brake pads worth it?
Ans: There is a good difference between cheap and good quality pads. If you buy cheap brake pads, they will turn out pretty soon and you need to buy a new pair of them.
In the case of good quality brake pads, you don’t need to go for high-cost brake pads. Even when compared to the most expensive, the mid-tier pads actually proved to be the most durable ones. Those mid-tier brake pads are worth the additional cash you spend. But if anyone wants to go for extra money, they should grab themselves some OEM pads.
Q: Which type of brake pad is best?
Ans: There are different types of brake pads like semi-metallic, ceramic, low-metallic NAO, NON-ASBESTOS organic. Ceramic brake pads are the dearest option here. They have amazing stopping power and also disperse heat very well. As long-lasting as they are, they also make less noise. Many foreign and domestic vehicles are equipped with ceramic pads from the factory.
To Conclude
Even though doing it yourself might be the cheapest way to replace your brake pads, make sure to do your research thoroughly before going to do that. A little error can lead to a fatal injury. If you’re confident enough and know your stuff, you may go for it without seeking professional help and saving some bucks.